Thursday, September 24, 2009

Another successful Group Meeting!

Tonight we met with the entire group, introducing our new members to the organization and the way the club is run, discussing the three committees and what we have planned in the upcoming months.

We have decided that every other Thursday we will meet with the entire group from 5 to 6 in the seventh street house! (Individual committee meetings will happen according to each group’s schedule. The steering committee will meet from 5 to 6 on the Thursdays we do not have the large group meetings.)

Here is what we discussed at today's meetings:

Before the group meeting we held a mini steering committee meeting discussing:
1. Our successful fundraising selling bags and necklaces brought home from Uganda
2. Changing our name with Bucknell University from Child Soul to BAP
3. Obtaining a used computer for the office in Uganda
4. The presentation today that was sort of a flop because of low attendance
5. The video we are creating about BAP to teach people a little about the organization and what we did this summer to use as an advertising tool.
6. The Fundraising dinners that will take Place in Lewisburg in November
7. The BAP constitution
8. The Board of Directors

At the larger group meeting we discussed:
1. Welcoming our new members and giving quick introductions
2. Introducing each Vice President and explaining what their committee does
3. Each committee updated us on what they have been up to. Communications is working on advertising. For example, they are making connections in the Lewisburg community and working on giving presentations to local clubs, churches, and organizations, scanning all of the articles about BAP, and developing the video. Development is working on obtaining our nonprofit organization status and our longer-term fundraising dinners. Operations is working on the logistics of all of our events on campus, specifically the Gulu walk.
4. We gave updates on the steering committee meetings to the larger group.
5. We discussed the upcoming conferences we will be participation in
6. The Gulu walk on October 25.
7. The to-do lists each community

Thanks to everyone who came!

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