Wednesday, November 25, 2009

BAP - Far and Beyond

Over the past few months after the guluwalk, we have been focusing a lot on the future of BAP and where we want to be in the next 5 years perhaps. Gathering support has been one of our strategies and to tell more people about BAP has been a huge priority.
We recently had a presentation for the Bucknell University trustees where we presented the past, present and future of BAP. From the comments we received, everything must have gone well and we intend to keep it that way.

We also had a presentation for a nearby church were we sold our merchandise from Uganda and also shared our experiences in Uganda. The congregation was amazing and we raised about $500 which is incredible.

Our dinner that was held at the victoria house was a success, all except two people showed up for the dinner. I did give a small speech about our summer project implementation and again the Bucknell community has continued to be extra supportive of our initiative.

In regards to our future, we are currently working on the creation of an umbrella organization called ROTU - Reaching Out to The Underprivileged. This organization will work towards the alleviation of poverty through projects targeted towards low income communities. BAP is one of such projects and more to come. We intend to include projects that cater toward education under a spread branch -BAP-cation "BAP Education" and perhaps health care under "BAP-care".

In order to expand our operations, we realize that costs will be inevitable and that we will need to be able to cover our operation costs. As a solution we are rigorously seeking high school and college students interested in expanding our projects to other countries to begin BAP chapters on their campus. We have seen some success in this areas so far but we still have a lot to do.

In Uganda, all is well. Two of our beneficiaries have been involved in car accidents, but nothing major. Their bicycles were replaced by the drivers responsible and so everything is in order. Payments are coming in well and in can not wait to get back in Uganda this christmas.

Keep posted for more to come


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